Is it better to hire a 物业经理 or do it myself 在柯林斯堡? This is a question that all 柯林斯堡 rental property owners are faced with.
无论你是否已经获得了一处专门用于产生被动收入的房产,还是你已经有了一个家和, 在这种情况下, 你想租出去吗, 这两种情况都需要有人来管理该财产.
That can either be you or someone you hire to do it for you.
The truth is, the answer solely depends on your situation.
在本文中, 我们将提供六个问题的清单,以帮助你决定什么是适合你的.
A better way to phrase this question is: if there’s an emergency, 你能马上到那里吗?
If not you, then a trusted contact who can go in your place?
当事情出了问题而你又是房东的时候, the responsibility falls on your shoulders to resolve the issue. Being a plane-ride away versus a short drive matters in these urgent scenarios.
So, 如果你住在州外, for this reason alone hiring a local 柯林斯堡 物业经理 is a no-brainer.
是否有人可以定期进行驾车检查和检查物业的状况? 检查一下租房者是否将房屋的一部分转租或出租给AirBnB怎么样? (是的,这是可能发生的).
在法律纠纷的情况下, 你准备好放弃一切,在这个州待上一段时间,直到问题解决吗?
附近的物业经理会像对待自己的财产一样对待你的财产,以防发生任何事情, and also take preventative measures to protect your investment.
So, 而选择取决于你, 在我们的选项中, 如果你住在州外 then it’s better to hire a 物业经理 在柯林斯堡.
Now that we’ve covered distance, the next thing is the most valuable currency: time.
租赁过程的每一步都需要时间. 尤其是如果你想把事情做好.
一旦你列出了你的财产并找到了完美的房客,租赁过程就不会结束. 事实上,真正的工作才刚刚开始.
Do you have the time to be there in the event of an emergency? 去看看房子怎么样? 执行检查? 处理所有的财务问题? 安排维修?
Even before that, how about performing tenant screenings? 为潜在的居民举办展示会? 起草一份租约? 承销?
When it comes to property management, it’s a full-time job. 这就是为什么会有专门的物业经理愿意为你承担这项工作, if needed.
关于租赁房产的问题是,如果没有适当的时间投入到这些关键步骤上, 这时事情就出了问题:一个欺诈性的申请人通过了筛选, a small leak that is overlooked and turns into structural damage, or a tenant who feels overlooked suddenly wants to move out.
这取决于你的生活状况, 你可能有时间,甚至期待着用世界十大博彩公司来取代朝九晚五的生活. But if you’re already working full-time or have other time commitments, 那么你最终可能会把自己拉伸得太细.
One of the most critical steps in the rental process is screening tenants. 为了保证你们社区的安全, 减少被驱逐的风险, 并保护自己免受骗子的伤害.
有一些“专业居民”故意寻找没有经验的房东或只有一处房产的业主, because they believe you’ll be an easy target to take advantage of. They have no plans to pay rent, and they’ll just string you along.
In order to protect yourself from these types of scammers, and to protect yourself from a potential eviction process, it’s vital to have a thorough screening process in place.
以前的租金记录(他们是否按时支付租金? 那笔财产有损失吗?)
However, 申请人有时会伪造文件, or give a false number for their boss or previous landlord.
As a D.I.Y. 物业经理, there are resources at your disposal that you can use in this process, but the liability still falls back on you and there’s still hands-on work involved.
So, 在这里你要问自己的问题是:你是否愿意设定筛选标准, 筛选申请人, 自己筛选? 你有时间做这件事吗? Will you be in a rush and overlook red flags because you want to place a tenant ASAP?
对于这些问题,答案取决于你的偏好和可用性. Some landlords like to be hands-on with the tenant they choose, 而另一些人则希望有经验丰富的物业经理来为他们处理.
#4: Do you want the responsibility of being a full-time 物业经理?
This is fully dependent on your situation and preference.
你可能想用租金收入取代你的全职工作,成为一名DIY物业经理. 如果这是你,那就去做吧!
但也许你暂时离开柯林斯堡住一段时间,想要一个租客来照顾你的家,直到你回来. 或者你买了这个房产,只是想赚取一些被动收入——也许这是你投资策略的一个积极部分.
在这些情况下,你想要被动收入,这并不总是那么简单. It may be considered passive income, but there’s still work involved.
Then, after the tenant is placed, you have items such as:
作为房东,这些责任都落在你身上. Say there’s a plumbing emergency that needs to be addressed right away. 你得自己找个承包商, coordinate the repair date with both the repairman and the tenant, 然后监督整个过程. 你也有责任让你的房客了解最新情况,并为他们保持积极的体验.
知识渊博的PM可以提供帮助的一种方式是提供资源. 例如,在珠峰,我们有自己的内部维修团队来处理维修工作. If it happens to be something outside of their wheelhouse, our office has a network of contractors to reach out to.
我们也有适当的会计制度, 租金集合, 租户协调, and more, 来帮助简化这个过程.
5 .你能进行困难的对话吗?
世界十大博彩公司比表面上看起来要复杂得多. 这些只是关于房产的事实——它甚至没有开始触及作为房东的人际关系方面.
Like any relationship, there are bound to be tough conversations at some point. However, 因为这个行业的性质, the landlord-tenant dynamic can be incredibly challenging for some.
例如, what do you do if a tenant refuses to pay rent? What if it’s because they lost their jobs and have a family to take care of?
如果是这样,你会怎么处理, after you’ve formed a good relationship with your tenant, they meet rough times and are on the verge of eviction, 但你要坚持自己的立场?
你可以给自己留一些灵活的空间, 在一天结束的时候, 拥有出租房产是一门生意.
如果你为这些场景做好了准备, then handling your own property management can be the way to go.
However, not everyone has the personality to withstand these types of scenarios. 另外, forming relationships with tenants can actually make the process even more difficult, because you may become attached or feel responsible for them.
In this case, hiring a 物业经理 is the best option. A skilled PM is able to tend to your property objectively, 尊重租户和承包商,同时也要为自己的最大利益着想.
#6: Are you familiar with rental property laws 在柯林斯堡?
The final question is one that oftentimes slips through the cracks, 但对于租赁房产来说,这一点至关重要.
There’s a lot of legality involved when it comes to rental properties 在柯林斯堡, 特别是承租人权利. Ignorance of these laws can get landlords into hot water, 这就是为什么尽职调查是必须的吗.
例如,你知道有一个 入住率法律 在柯林斯堡? 这规定了多少人可以住在一个出租住宅,以及他们彼此之间的关系.
此外,法律是不断发展的,不断有新的修正案和补充. 例如, 从2024年开始,租赁登记将被要求. 这是一个具体的过程,包括强制性检查和必须满足的标准清单.
由于该提案在2023年仍在进行修订,因此仍有可能进行更改. 然而,大多数注册计划都包括对未能满足要求的房东的处罚.
如果你愿意花时间的话, research, 熟悉这些定律, 那么DIY的方法可能适合你.
However, 如果你觉得难以承受, 或者如果你想有一个值得信赖的合作伙伴,他的工作就是了解柯林斯堡的规章制度, 那么,聘请一名物业经理是可行的.
这主要取决于你的目标, 你有空的时间, and whether or not you even want to be a 物业经理.
There is no right or wrong choice — only what’s best for your unique situation.
If that’s DIY property management, then we have plenty of resources for you.
However, 如果你想找一个经验丰富的物业经理团队谈谈,他们了解这个地区, 会把你的财产当作自己的财产吗, 并最终支持你, 那么我们的柯林斯堡团队很乐意听到你的消息. 点击这里查看我们.
Source: This content was originally written and published for Evernest at